UFI’s integrative, innovative and forward-thinking approach has positioned us as the leading urban forest management and planning firm in Ontario. With a diverse range of clients, from private golf courses and other institutions to large Ontario municipalities, UFI has applied leading urban forest management disciplines to the development of strategies for sustainable urban forests and communities. Our planning team has developed a comprehensive and fully customizable Strategic Urban Forest Management Plan (SUFMP) framework which has successfully been applied throughout southern Ontario. Our approach has been recognized as an effective means for urban forest assessment, vision and goal setting, and results-based adaptive management. Our team is highly knowledgeable about a variety of critical urban forestry issues, such as planning legislation and the planning process, tree protection by-laws, cycle-based management, service delivery models, and other best practices. Our unique strength is the ability to transform these issues into workable, implementable and innovative planning documents, enabling municipal departments to work together towards achieving common goals and making community sustainability a reality.